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Tsuyahime is a very delicious rice created by Yamagata. Cooking is so beautiful that I am impressed. Tsuyahime is all special cultivated rice (Reduced rice with reduced pesticide and reduced fertilizer rice). It was the result that it was the most delicious among 3 products of Uonuma Koshihikari of our store handling and local super handling Tsuya and princess from the customer of 90% or more in the 22nd US tasting party. According to the manager's impression, I think that those who like the texture of rice (one who likes Haenuki and Sansanishiki) will fit. Conversely, those who like soft rice are likely to have different tastes. 『甘み』『旨味』を、しっかり残して精米された無洗米(白米) お米五つ星マイスター在籍!お米に込めた想いが違いを生む こだわりの無洗米製法:旨み層を残した特別な無洗米製法 こだわりの産地:最上川の源流を抱く『おきたま盆地産』 こだわりの仕入:20年に及ぶJAとの信頼関係に基づいた安定品質 山形是擁有日本最大面積的山毛櫸原生林的縣,源源不絕的森林水系,加上先人的智慧,和四季分明的風土,孕育出著名的「龜之尾米」。 透過這個正統系譜研發,終於開發出新品牌「滋雅米」。 滋雅米與眾不同的是她的「米粒大」「色澤亮白」「甘味」「香味」「粘度」等特色。 單就白米飯本身,就是一道好菜。 越品味越能感受到幸福的喜悅。 經過山形農業巨匠們盡心竭力的栽種,讓滋雅米成為又安全又好吃的極品米。 送給日本所有喜愛「白米飯」的饕客。


  • Tsuyahime. Born of water bursting with nourishment from Japan’s largest primeval Japanese beech forest, the wisdom of generations past, and Yamagata’s winds, blowing gently throughout the four seasons: the forefather of our country’s most delicious rice, “Kameno-o.”
  • From this noble lineage, a new brand is born. Distinct grain size, white sheen, flavor, aroma, and texture make rice itself a feast. Each bite tastes more of blissful delight.
  • Tsuyahime is a supremely pure and delicious special rice, which Yamagata’s agricultural artisans take pains to grow. We deliver it across Japan to those who, more than anything else, love white rice.
  • Grown in Japan, Yamagata Prefecture has its own shipping regulations. Only rice with less than 6.4% protein is shipped as Tsuyahime.
  • 「つや姫」。 日本一を誇るブナの原生林が育む滋養に満ちた水系、 先人の知恵と四季鮮やかな山形の風土が生んだ、 わが国の美味しいお米のルーツとなる「亀ノ尾」。 その正統の系譜から、ついに新ブランド米が誕生しました。 際立つ「粒の大きさ」、「白い輝き」「旨さ」、「香り」、「粘り」は、 ごはんそのものがご馳走。 味わうほどに至福の喜びに満たされます。 山形の農の匠が丹誠込めて育てる、 安全で、おいしさを極めた特別なお米。 日本中の、何よりも「白いごはん」が大好きな人にお届けします。

Kijima Tsuyahime Yamagata Rice, つや姫 山形県おきたま産, Milled Short Grain Rice | 4.4 Lbs

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